
  • A magnetic card

    An ISO standard magnetic card is a magnetic stripe on a plastic card and compliant with ISO 7810 & 7811 standards.
    The maximum size is 85.90 x 54.18 x 0.84 mm. There are 3 tracks data on the magnetic stripe. Track1 has maximum 76 characters, Track2 has maximum 37 characters and Track3 has maximum 104 characters (excluding Start Sentinel, End Sentinel and LRC 3 characters).

  • F/2F- two frequency encoding technique

    A flux transition occurring between clocks signifies that the bit is a "one" and the absence of
    a flux transition between clocking transitions signifies that the bit is a "zero".


    Magnetic stripes are made of different magnetic materials which have different coercivities, e.g.
    300, 2750, 3000, 4000 Oe (Oersted). A higher coercivity card is harder erased occasionally.
    It also means you should use high magnetic field to encode a high coercivity card.

  • A chip card

    It is also called an IC Card. An ISO standard chip card is a contact metal disc on a plastic card and compliant with ISO 7810 & 7816 standards. The maximum size is the same 85.90 x 54.18 x 0.84 mm. The metal disc has 8 contacts to connect a chip under it to a reader or POS terminal. The chip has circuits, memories and even a microprocessor to store and process data. A chip card could be a smart card if it has a microprocessor inside, or be a memory card if it has memories but not microprocessor inside. You can’t tell them from their appearances until you get their specifications.

  • A smart card

    It is also called a CPU Card. A smart card has circuits, memories and a microprocessor inside to store and process data.
    We usually use its processing ability to encrypt / decrypt data for higher security in a payment application.

  • A memory card

    A memory card has circuits and memories inside to store data. Some memory cards may have lower level security functions.
    We usually use it to store data for an ID application or a prepaid application (e.g. phone cards).

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